Dofinansowania Firmy

Increased energy efficiency

By analyzing data, users can make informed decisions about when and how to use energy, leading to lower electricity bills.

Making planning easier

These systems provide information that helps in planning future investments in renewable energy installations and optimizing existing solutions.

Programy pomocowe dla firm w zakresie instalacji OZE oraz zwiększania efektywności energetycznej w Polsce

1- Energy Plus

Scope: Financing for projects related to renewable energy sources (RES), including photovoltaics, wind turbines, energy storage.

Form of support: Loans up to PLN 85% of eligible costs or grants.

Organisation: National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW).

Goal: Reducing the negative impact of companies on the environment.

2- White Certificate Fund

Scope: Support for projects that reduce energy consumption, including renewable energy installations such as photovoltaics and wind turbines, as well as projects related to energy efficiency.

Form of support: Reimbursement of part of the costs depending on the energy saved (minimum 116.3 MWh).

Organisation: Energy Regulatory Office (ERO).

Goal: Promotion of energy savings through innovative solutions.

3- Thermal Modernization Bonus

Scope: Co-financing of thermal modernisation projects, including photovoltaic installations, heat pumps and other renewable energy technologies.

Form of support: Loan subsidy, covering up to PLN 41% of investment costs.

Organization: National Economy Bank (BGK).

Goal: Improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.

4- Grant OZE

Scope: Grants for investments in renewable energy sources, including photovoltaic installations, wind turbines and energy storage.

Form of support: Grant covering up to 50% investment costs.

Organisation: NFOŚiGW and Provincial Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management (WFOŚiGW).

Cel: Wsparcie firm w inwestowaniu w rozwiązania OZE.

5- Ecological Credit

Scope: Preferential loans for renewable energy installations, thermal modernization, and other investments related to energy efficiency.

Form of support: Loans granted on preferential terms, including long-term repayments and low interest rates.

Organization: Bank Ochrony Środowiska (BOŚ), commercial banks in cooperation with NFOŚiGW.

Objective: Financing ecological projects for companies, providing them with attractive credit conditions.

6- Horeca Program

Scope: A program dedicated to companies from the catering and hotel sector, supporting investments in renewable energy sources and energy storage facilities.

Form of support: Grants and preferential loans for investments.

Organization: NFOŚiGW, WFOŚiGW.

Cel: Wspieranie firm Horeca w unowocześnianiu swoich źródeł energii i zwiększeniuniezależności energetycznej.

7- Leasing of renewable energy sources

Scope: Leasing for photovoltaics, wind turbines and energy storage. Companies can lease these technologies without having to incur large, one-time financial outlays.

Form of support: Leasing offered by banks and financial institutions such as BOŚ, BNP Paribas and other commercial banks.

Organization: Commercial banks in cooperation with financial institutions.

Cel: Oferowanie firmom łatwej i dostępnej formy finansowania technologii OZE, z
elastycznymi warunkami leasingu.

Instytucje prowadzące nabory i rozpatrujące wnioski:

1. Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (NFOŚiGW) – główny organ odpowiedzialny za rozdział dotacji na projekty związane z OZE.
2. Wojewódzkie Fundusze Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej (WFOŚiGW) – regionalne fundusze wspierające projekty OZE i termomodernizacyjne na poziomie lokalnym.
3. Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) – instytucja oferująca preferencyjne kredyty i dotacje na projekty energetyczne.
4. Urząd Regulacji Energetyki (URE) – oferuje programy pomocowe dla rolników w zakresie instalacji OZE oraz zwiększania efektywności energetycznej.
