In the face of growing demand for energy and transformation towards renewable energy sources, the stability of the Polish power grid is becoming an increasing challenge. In response to these needs, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management announces the implementation of new funding programs for the installation of electricity and heat storage facilities and related infrastructure.
From the record pool of PLN 10 billion that is to be transferred to Poland from the EU Modernization Fund, a significant part of the funds is to be allocated to the new program "Electricity storage facilities and related infrastructure to improve the stability of the Polish power grid". The program is addressed to entrepreneurs (excluding entities from the financial sector). It concerns financial support for the construction of electricity storage facilities with a capacity of no less than 2 MW and a capacity of no less than 4 MWh. The planned budget for the implementation of the program's objective is over PLN 4 billion. The funds will be spent by the end of 2028.
Energy storage is a solution that not only has a beneficial impact on the environment, but also on the stability of the Polish power system. Thanks to energy storage, it is possible to relieve the power grid and increase its flexibility, which in the long term ensures greater energy security. The Fund is currently developing a strategy for the next four years, in which the area of electric and thermal energy storage will be defined as one of the key priorities.