Scope: Financing for photovoltaic and wind installations and energy storage facilities on farms.
Form of support:
-Dotacje: do 20% kosztów kwalifikowanych (dla instalacji o mocy 10-50 kW).
-Niskooprocentowane pożyczki.
Institution: National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), Provincial Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management (WFOŚiGW).
Cel: Zwiększenie udziału OZE w rolnictwie, poprawa efektywności energetycznej oraz
redukcja emisji gazów cieplarnianych.
Scope: Financing renewable energy investments for farmers, including photovoltaics, energy storage, and energy modernization.
Form of support: Ecological credit with the possibility of using reliefs and subsidies.
Institution: National Economy Bank (BGK).
Goal: Facilitating investments in renewable energy technologies and improving energy efficiency.
Scope: Leasing of renewable energy installations, including photovoltaic, wind and energy storage facilities.
Form of support: Operational and financial leasing, enabling the investment costs to be divided into instalments.
Institutions: Leasing companies specializing in renewable energy.
Goal: To make it easier for farmers to finance investments in renewable energy sources without large upfront costs.
Scope: Financing for the agritourism sector and small agricultural companies for renewable energy installations, increasing the energy efficiency of buildings.
Form of support: Grants and preferential loans.
Institution: National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW).
Goal: Improving energy efficiency in tourist and agricultural facilities.
Scope: Energy modernization of farms, renewable energy installations, improvement of energy efficiency.
Form of support: Grants from EU and national funds.
Institution: Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARiMR).
Goal: Supporting investments in renewable energy technologies in agriculture, reducing energy costs and increasing the competitiveness of farms.
1. National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) – the main institution supporting RES programmes, including Agroenergia and Horeca OZE.
2. Provincial Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management (WFOŚiGW) – regional branches of the NFOŚiGW conducting recruitment and considering applications.
3. Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) – an institution offering ecological loans supporting the financing of renewable energy sources.
4. Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa (ARiMR) – odpowiedzialna za rozdzielanie funduszy unijnych na modernizacje energetyczne gospodarstw oraz rozpatrywanie wniosków dotyczących projektów efektywności energetycznej w ramach funduszu białych certyfikatów.